venerdì 24 ottobre 2014

EFDD Newsletter - October 2014

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Wednesday, 22 October 2014

We want a true Europe, close to its citizens

We want a true Europe, close to its citizens
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

We are too passive towards this humanitarian disaster

 We are too passive towards this humanitarian disaster
Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Wake up and recognise: the euro is a failure

Wake up and recognise: the euro is a failure
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

UKIP today slammed other political parties for voting in favour of yet more EU funding, as they approved the EU's budget for 2015

UKIP today slammed other political parties for  voting in favour of yet more EU funding, as they approved the EU's budget for 2015
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Nigel Farage: "This will be the last European Commission that governs Britain"

Nigel Farage:
Tuesday, 21 October 2014

UKIP Leader Nigel Farage thanks Barroso for telling the truth about Cameron's deception

UKIP Leader Nigel Farage thanks Barroso for telling the truth about Cameron's deception

Fisheries spokesman to seek urgent meeting with EU Commissioner following removal of North Devon fleet's fishing rights

Fisheries spokesman to seek urgent meeting with EU  Commissioner following removal of North Devon fleet's fishing rights

EFDD Group back with a bang. Normal transmission resumed

EFDD Group back with a bang. Normal transmission resumed
Thursday, 16 October 2014

Political blackmail by federalists leads to MEP resignation and collapse of Eurosceptic group in European Parliament

Political blackmail by federalists leads to MEP resignation   and collapse of Eurosceptic group in  European Parliament




Kobane: We are too passive towards this humanitarian disaster

Kobane: We are too passive towards this humanitarian disaster


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Europe is on its knees

Europe is on  its knees


We are voting against this Commision, because we want a true Europe close to its citizens

We are voting against this Commision, because we want a true Europe close to its citizens


Mos Maiorum - Change the Dublin system!

Mos Maiorum - Change the Dublin system!
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The lack of success of these institutions is hidden

The lack of success of these institutions is hidden


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Western interference has destabilised the whole region

Western interference has destabilised the whole region

Lets support those fighting aginst this global monster of consumerism and globalision

Lets support those fighting aginst this global monster of consumerism and globalision

Asia Bibi: The right to life is Untouchable

Asia Bibi: The right to life is Untouchable

Regaining control of our borders to address mass migration

Regaining control of our borders to address mass migration

British taxpayers money subsidising bullfighting

British taxpayers money subsidising bullfighting

EU budget 2015: UKIP's cost cutting amendment rejected without a vote

EU budget 2015: UKIP's cost cutting amendment rejected without a vote
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Last European Commission to Govern Britain

The Last European Commission to Govern Britain

We need a single approach towards problems

We need a single approach towards problems

After five years of stability policies, where's the growth?

After five years of stability policies, where's the growth?

Euro-crisis motion against outgoing President Barroso rejected by President Schulz

Euro-crisis motion against outgoing President Barroso rejected by President Schulz

The European climate policy is toxic for Poland

The European climate policy is toxic for Poland

We have to get away from the failing policies over the past 14 years

We have to get away from the failing policies over the past 14 years

Thank you for confirming Cameron is the real fantasist, Mr Barroso

Thank you for confirming Cameron is the real fantasist, Mr Barroso

Wake up and recognise the euro is a failure

Wake up and recognise the euro is a failure

We expect no further shenanigans, Mr President Schulz

We expect no further shenanigans, Mr President Schulz
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Cosa sono le P.M.I.

La politica viene costantemente svolta da persone competenti in moltissimi argomenti, ma molto spesso ignare delle realtà delle imprese. Le P.M.I. sono le Piccole e Medie Imprese che sostengono larga parte dell'economia della Società e delle Città.
Senza le P.M.I. non ci sarebbe forse nulla da governare perché non ci sarebbero i fondi necessari a sostenere il bilancio Nazionale ed Europeo. Le P.M.I. costituiscono parte importante dell'economia reale, e senza di loro non sussisterebbero nè grandi Industrie nè banche, nè quindi servizi sociali, organi pubblici, nè Stato. Chi vuole svolgere bene la carriera politica deve conoscere la realtà economica di un'impresa ma spesso crea solo questionari per i commercianti, camere di commercio inefficienti, sistemi di tassazione usurari, complicati e insostenibili, tribunali di giustizia iniqui, e assenza della tutela d'ufficio del credito attivo e passivo delle P.M.I.. Lo scopo di questo sito è riformare la considerazione delle P.M.I. nella classe politica. Se sei un imprenditore con partita i.v.a. qui sei il benvenuto e qui puoi fornire le tue richieste che verranno raccolte in modo sistematico per formare un programma di riforme inderogabili ed urgenti per la tutela della tua realtà lavorativa, che è quella che supporta l'economia di base, ma spesso viene ignorata, sfruttata iniquamente, mortificata, umiliata dalle caste dei poteri forti che restano ignari di questi valori. Facciamo massa critica e attiviamoci per definire le nostre necessità. Cavalchiamo la storia adesso. EF